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CZW "Tournament of Death 13" 6/14/2014 DVD

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  • $ 19.99

June 14th, 2014 - Townsend, DE


1. CZW Tag Team Championship: Drew Gulak & Sozio vs. Juicy Product(c)
2. Alexander James vs. Joe Gacy
3. Non-tournament fans bring the weapons match: Devon Moore vs. Ron Mathis
4. Fans bring the dildos: Jaki Numazawa vs. Lucky 13
5. Barbed Wire Madness: Aero Boy vs. Masada
6. Ultraviolent Pits: Danny Havoc vs. Masashi Takeda
7. Lighttube Bundles: Jun Kasai vs. Matt Tremont
8. Semi-Final: Lucky 13 vs. Masada
9. Danny Havoc vs. Jun Kasai
10. Tournament of Death Final