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CZW "Night of Infamy" 11/11/2018 DVD

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  • $ 19.99

November 11th, 2018 - Voorhees, New Jersey
  1. Gary Jay vs. Kobe Durst
  2. CZW Wired Championship #1 Contender: Brett Michael David vs. Evander James vs. Jake Parnell vs. KC Navarro vs. Logan James vs. Matt Travis
  3. Anthony Greene vs. Space Monkey
  4. Alex Reynolds & Tim Donst vs. Desean Pratt & Joe Gacy
  5. CZW Wired Championship: Andrew Everett vs. Jordan Oliver(c)
  6. Dan O'Hare vs. Masada
  7. Ethan Page vs. John Silver
  8. The Help (CPA & Mark Sterling) vs. Mitch Vallen
  9. Jimmy Lloyd & Mitch Vallen vs. The Office (Brandon Kirk & Conor Claxton)